Wednesday, September 29, 2010

J. Paris's officially almost official!

If you followed on my blog, then you know I want to do this thing, like for real.  I would love nothing more than to sell my stuff to people who can appreciate (and even if they can't, those who can pay) the quality, love, and labor that I put into each and every project I come up with.  I'm passionate about making my four years of college actually worth something (and proving to my dad that his money wasn't entirely wasted) by actually having a career in the field I studied in.  So, enough rambling, I started a semi-business.

Kudos and thanks to my excellent graphic designer Jon for creating such an incredibly stellar logo!!

It's a side-gig, something I do in the evenings and on the weekends.  I have sold some stuff and had some other stuff ordered.  It's coming in slowly, but it's actually kinda working!  I got business cards printed up and plan on giving them out like candy.  I can't quit my day job yet (sad face), but it keeps me sane since I sit behind a computer all day at work.

Anyways, check out my facebook page at and keep your fingers crossed for me, ok??

Until next time...... :)

Studio Space!!

So let's talk about how great my boyfriend Dan is??  Not only does he fully support my eccentric style and my tendency to fill up his garage, back porch, breezeway, and basement with my latest treasures, he has now allowed me to move into his basement!!  I know, I know, you're thinking "the basement??!" but hear me's for studio space!!
J. Paris Designs has become my new business venture.

I get full reign of a section of the basement the realtor had affectionatly listed as the "finished" basement.
Homey, right??

Dan had been using it as storage space, but when I started using a stapler in his driveway to work on my projects, I think he got a little worried about his tires and suggested I move things downstairs.  He cleared things out and built me....

....a really awesome custom 4x4' rolling work table!

...a 7' long counter perfect for sewing, crafting, working, sleeping, etc.

It's still a work in progress, but I plan to have it finished up in the next week or two.

The funny part?? Dan actually thinks that this is going to eliminate my need for his garage, porch, patio, etc.....silly boy ;)

Love you & THANKS!!!!

Grandma Goes Modern

A friend of mine (we'll call her Maggie...because that's her name) had a cute little chair and matching ottoman that was her grandmother's.  When she showed it to me in all its flowery splendor, I fell in love with it instantly!  It was like a tiny version of a grown-up chair (seriously, it only came up to my waist).  It was old and the fabric was threadbare, faded, and ripped just by looking at it.  But it was solid and the cushions were other words, it needed my help.

So I stripped it!

Who even knew it had legs under that ruffle??

Ideally, I had hoped the fabric would come off in sections so that I could measure and label and determine how it all went back together.  Unfortunately, the old fabric was so threadbare that it literally ripped much for measuring!!

I added some extra cush to the cushion just to fill it out more.  I think I used approx. a box and a half of staples just on this one project! (definitely caused me to seriously consider purchasing an air compressed stapler in the very near future).

So here she sits, matching ottoman and all.  I was lucky that I told Maggie to add a couple extra yards to her fabric order when she picked it out.  I used every last bit of 10 yards!! I swear I didn't waste any or mess up just really takes that much!

Sexy backside

*Note my pretty little pleating on the arms :)

Overall, it was a successful venture for me and the chair.  And Maggie was an excellent client who was very generous.  I look forward to many future furniture adventures with you!! :)


Velvety Goodnessx2

Fabulous NEWS!!!  Turns out, people really like my stuff and want to buy it and give me money and stuff!! The gentleman who bought the chair from the post directly below this (see velvety goodness part 1) liked the chair so much he ordered another one!! Lucky for him, I had a match!!

I only had enough of the previous fabric for one chair, but I promised him something that was complimentary with similar style, color, and pattern.  I think the two are a fair match.

In fact, he liked the new fabric so much, he ordered four throw pillows for the sofa in the same room.  Excellent!!